Why is my Snake Plant not Growing?

Why is my Snake plant not growing?

One of the best indoor plants is Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, also known as Snake Plant. 

Snake plants are a type of succulent plant that is native to regions in North America and South America. Snake plants grow from a tuberous root system and produce fleshy leaves banded with yellow that can reach 4 feet. The leaves can be erect or pendulous, and they typically have a pointed tip . The flowers of the snake plant are small, white, and fragrant. The snake plant is a popular houseplant because it is easy to grow, does not require much maintenance, and has a long lifespan. The Snake plant is also NASA-certified as an air-cleaning plant making it ideal for any home. 

If your Snake Plant isn’t growing, it might be because they’re not getting adequate lighting or water. While these plants don’t have a fast growth rate, you should be able to see new leaves stretching upwards over time. If you have kept an eye on their leaves and cant see them stretching upwards and see no visible new leaves, then it’s likely something is wrong with the snake plant. This article will help you learn why your plant isn’t growing and what you can do to fix it.

Reason for Snake Plant not Growing

Most Snake Plant issues stem from lack of light and water. Harsh water conditions, pests that get into the plant, or a disease can also contribute to stress on your plant. Snake plants will also stop growing due to stress, which can be caused by the plant becoming rootbound or suffering from root rot. 

A snake plant can put up with a lot of neglect, they don’t require much care which is a big bonus for people who don’t have time. But, if your snake plant has stopped growing, you need to do something about it. 

Despite the number of potential causes we listed above it’s important to do some detective work to find out what the issue is before you can fix your plant. When it comes to figuring out what is wrong with your plant, The good news is it’s usually fairly easy to diagnose the issues and fixing most problems is also straightforward. Let’s start by looking at some of the causes that can prevent your snake plant from growing. 

Lack of Light

The ideal amount for a snake plant to grow is one to three inches every month. However, your plant’s growth conditions need to be met in order to obtain this desired result. One of the main reasons why these plants don’t grow is that they lack light.

Snake plants are often called “low light” plants as they dont require a lot of sunlight. However Snake plants do a lot better in areas that have exposure to indirect sunlight for example sitting on a window. Some people assume that low light is the same as no light. A snake plant like any other plant needs exposure to sunlight to grow and thrive. If your snake plant isn’t getting enough light, it will stop from growing and flourishing.

To keep this plant healthy, give it a little direct sunlight in the early morning. You can then move it to a place in the home that gets indirect sunlight for the rest of the day. You can also opt to use low powered grow lights to give the snake plant an early boost of light and then have the grow light connected to a timer so it turns off automatically. 

Not Enough Nutrients 

Snake plants are very easy to maintain but like other home plants they do require the right nutrients. If you find growth has stopped and can’t find any other issues with the plant then it could be lacking the correct nutrients, we advise using growlands houseplant food to give your snake plants the care they deserve. You can use our house plant food on a wide range of other house plants so it’s beneficial to keep around. 


Many novice gardeners and plant enthusiasts tend to over-water their snake plants and it can be a problem for these plants as they require less water then normal house plants. The fact that most people don’t know how much water a snake plant needs makes this mistake common, unfortunately. You should be aiming to water your plant every two to three weeks. Another method to determine soil needs to be watered is to stick a finger in the pot about two or three inches deep. If it’s dry, you need to water the plant. In the winter, try to water plants less once a month or every two months. 

Overwatering will cause your plant to stop growing because it can lead to root rot, a problem that we’ll discuss a little later. It can also kill a plant before it’s able to develop and grow, leading to premature death.


Snake plants are a great addition to any home, office, or dorm. However, underwatering them will lead to serious plant death. As we have already talked about how much water is required to keep your snake plant happy we will only briefly cover this section. In short you can either water your snake plant too much or not enough. If you water it too often, it will die; if you don’t water it at all, it will die. Always check the soil levels by pushing a finger into the soil, if the soil is dry 2 inches or more then water the plant.


A snake plant only grows if the temperature in the room is warmer than 16 degrees.  If your snake plant is not growing then its possible it’s in a dormant state caused by cold. To fix this problem ensure your room is kept at the correct temperature, keep the snake plant away from any radiators or sources of direct heat and away from places that are prone to cold drafts.  

Root Rot

Root rot is a common problem that will cause death of plants if not addressed in a timely fashion. Root rot is usually caused by the soil being too moist, which often emerges from overwatering plants or keeping them in a place with high humidity. 

Rot rot is very easy to identify If your plant has root rot, its roots will look brown and decayed. Healthy roots on a snake plant should have a white or even cream like tone and feel firm to the touch. You can still save a snake plant that has root rot as long as the rooting system is partially intact, if the roots are mushy and gone then I’m afraid the plant won’t survive. If this is the case take leaf cuttings and propagate them. You can find our guide on how to propagate a snake plant in our blog.  If the root system is only half decayed then the good news is you can save the snake plant. To save a snake plant that is suffering from root rot first cut away any brown or decaying roots. Once you have removed the dead roots its time to pot the plant into a new container, you will want to use fresh soil, just remember not to overwater your snake plant this time around.   

Becoming Rootbound

A snake plant will stop growing if it becomes rootbound, this simply means the plant has grown and filled the pot with its root system and displaced most of the soil. In some cases rootbound plants can even break the pot they are housed in. If you find that you’re plant is root bound its time to find a bigger pot and replant. This is also the perfect time to divide your plant, if you want to know how to divide a snake plant then make sure to check out our blog as we also have a guide on that subject. 

Pests and Disease

Snake plants are fairly resistant and easy to grow however they are not immune to diseases and pests. Be sure to inspect your plants for threats or disease. Look down the centers of the leaves, as well as any areas near the soil. The most common pests and bugs found on Snake plants are mealybugs and spider mites. These two pests excrete all the good nutrients out of a snake plant which will slowly kill the snake plant over time.  If you find that your plant has spider mites or mealybugs then you can treat the plant using soapy water. However we normally find using a pesticide designed to target these pests works a lot better. 


You’ve probably heard the saying ” water it, feed it, and wait for the next sunny day ” when it comes to gardening. Well, that’s not entirely true when it comes to house plants – you need to give them the right kind of care in order to see results. In this article, we talked about the reasons your snake plant might not be growing and then discussed how to fix problematic areas to help you diagnose the issues so that your Snake plant can grow and flourish!

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